
Lost: "Namaste"

I missed my opportunity to write about last week's episode, "LaFleur", but if I had, I would have spoken about how much I love this incarnation of Sawyer. He's strong. He's capable. He's in control. He's settled. And it's amazing!

This week in "Namaste", Sawyer is still that man, only times ten. I wasn't sure what would become of "James LaFleur" when suddenly face-to-face with Jack, but not only did Sawyer stand his ground, he furthered his growth process.

"It's how I like to run things, I think. I'm sure that doesn't mean that much to you, because back when you were calling the shots, you pretty much just reacted. See, you didn't think, Jack, and as I recall, a lot of people ended up dead." -- Sawyer
Damned if he's not right on the money. Jack is a leader of reaction while Sawyer is a leader of pro-action, and it's pretty evident which method works better. In three years time, Sawyer has inspired a lot of loyalty and support, and no one seems to question him when he speaks. Jack, on the other had, was always being questioned -- by his friends and by himself. I think that Jack feels comfortable in the role of leader, but only because he's accustomed to it. He is a surgeon, after all. Somewhere in the back of Jack's mind, though, is a bit of relief at relinquishing the reins. Not that he'll ever admit it.

Sawyer's speech could have easily come off as a defensive diatribe, but instead, it sounded more like a man who is confident in his position and in his abilities. And why shouldn't he be? He's come a long way. He can still crack wise at the drop of a hat, but he does so now with precision versus as a defense mechanism. He's no longer the sidekick or the reluctant hero, but the man with the plan. Juliet has tempered him and offered him unconditional love and support -- something he's never known yet secretly searched for, I think. My hope is that they prevail, but my fear is more prevalent. The little nods and sideways glances scream "quadrangle", but I worry that the show will lose something if they delve too deeply into the romantic entanglements. Lost thrives on the broad spectrum and the big picture of the mythology, and romance is too external of a story. It has the potential to separate the characters from the over-all arc, and that would be disappointing. But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

  • I've always felt that Kate/Sawyer is far more interesting than Kate/Jack, and I often rooted for Kate & Sawyer to find each other... until Juliet. Juliet is so good for Sawyer and she makes him strive to be his best possible person. He needs her, and I hope that he doesn't lose sight of that. When Sawyer greeted Kate as "Kate" and not as "Freckles", my hope thrived a little. Maybe, like he told Horace, three years is enough time to let someone go...
  • Jack and Kate were brought down a peg, and the sneaky ways that Sawyer and Juliet made that happen were a hoot to watch -- Jack's "aptitude test" resulting in his qualifications as a janitor and Kate squirming and scrambling a little when her name wasn't on the original list. Sawyer and Juliet have no reason to truly punish Jack and Kate, but they do have that inherent human desire to not only survive, but to come out on top. They have all the power right now, and their little personal allowances showed us that they're not all goodness and propriety. Hee.
  • In reference to the above, I was thoroughly disappointed in myself for doubting Juliet, even for a moment. When Kate's name wasn't on the list, I was ready to crucify Juliet instead of believing in her and giving her the opportunity to indulge in a little bit of necessary pettiness. Seeing as I adore Juliet -- far more than I do Kate -- my readiness to distrust her speaks to the tenuousness of the situation. Nicely done.
  • Juliet cooing over the baby was sweet until... Amy revealed that he is (or more accurately, will grow up to be) creepy Ethan. Juliet couldn't get rid of that child fast enough. Eeek.
  • So Ben grew up with the Dharma Initiative? How, then, will he and Ethan come to be members of the Others/Hostiles? Will they stage a crafty defection years down the line, or will it simply be a matter of self-preservation?
  • It was a nice turn of events seeing Ben as the captor and Sayid as the captive.
  • Why, oh why, is Sun stuck in present-day? I get that Sun & Jin can't race into each others' arms just yet, but godsdamnit, I'm selfish. And impatient. And thirty years is long time to travel! Is her separation from the rest of the group a result of the entire Oceanic Six not being present? Someone go get Aaron. NOW!
  • Clearly, the island not only heals, but it brings people back from the dead. Christian was in a casket on Oceanic 815 and John was in one on Ajira 316, and now they're both walking around. Impressive. And creepy.
  • Where is Dan Faraday? Has he cracked beyond repair? Or has he left the island with Baby!Charlotte and her family? What was Sawyer's "not anymore" comment all about?
Stand-out lines...
"I lied." -- Sun Kwon -- This incarnation of Sun is badass! And pretty fearless. Awesome!
"Dude, your English is awesome!" -- Hurley -- Heh. Leave it to Hurley to say what everyone is thinking. And I bet Daniel Dae Kim agrees. I'm sure he's thrilled to be able to speak somewhat normally now. It's about time.


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