
30 Rock: "The Bubble"

"Sorry it took me so long to answer. I was just thinking about how weird it is that we eat birds." -- Tracy Jordan
It's amazing how self-contained bubbles can be, be them thought bubbles or life bubbles. And suddenly, the word "bubble" no longer seems like a word. Huh.

What I found most interesting "The Bubble" was Liz's ability to so clearly see past the bubble despite her personal aesthetic insecurities. She sees right past Drew's bubble in a way that no one ever has, and why is that? Is it just that she's smarter than everyone else? Or is she just less self-involved? The bursting of Drew's sweet little bubble gave Jon Hamm some funny stuff, but I most enjoyed that in the end, he chose the bubble. The world (and he) is prettier in it than outside of it.

Jack's bubble, on the other hand, still follows him. It took Dot Com's very insightful and intelligent (hee!) assessment of Tracy for Jack to realize that Tracy lives in a bubble all his own. And making Kenneth the keymaster was a stroke of genius. Not only did it give Jack McBrayer great material (what the hell is his accent?), but it showed how selfless and compassionate Tracy can be. He loves Kenneth, and that humanizes Tracy and makes him less of a total farce.

Jenna, though, is a farce, and probably always will be. Sigh. Thank gods for Dr. Spaceman.

  • Frank's hat said "DRAPES". A nice nod to Don Draper, perhaps?
  • "What the what?!" I so wish that we had gotten to see the picture of Bubble!Jack. I was desperately longing to catch a glimpse of his "superman chest".
  • Jenna donating her hair to "Merkins of Hope" was the crassest thing I've heard in a long time. And funny as hell. Bwah!
Over all, one of the funniest episodes of 30 Rock this season. Now, let's all go and perfect our "excellent French"...
"Ffffghgg csdlkfj gekjl." -- Jack Donaghy & Dr. Drew Baird


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