
Battlestar Galactica: The Last Frakkin' Special

Much of the material used for "The Last Frakkin' Special" had previously seen the light of day, so there isn't too much to say about the special as a whole, and I will certainly not be discussing the little bits of spoiler-y info that clearly came from the series finale, but I will mention the Final Five... minutes.

All of the little snippets from the entire cast and the creative team were a gift. It is blatantly evident that each and every person associated with this show has genuine love and affection for Battlestar Galactica. Truly sincere depths of emotion like this for a television show or acting job are oh-so-rare in Hollywood (and maybe even Vancouver too), and to hear every person offer nothing but praise and gratitude only serves to enhance the overall effect of the series.

In the end, though, it was Ron Moore's tears at facing the final culmination of his vision that was thoroughly touching and reminds us all the more just how special this show has been. It has transformed the sci-fi genre and shifted some harsh opinions along the way as well. Battlestar Galactica has made an immense contribution to the television landscape, and its influence and power won't soon be forgotten. So to the entire creative team, I say thank you. Thank you for this generous gift. So say we all.


2 crushes:

Anonymous,  Mar 17, 2009, 10:39:00 AM  

I watched, too, and wanted more spoilers than we got. I loved the cast interviews, most of which I hadn't seen before. I &hearts EJO, for sure. He seems to have adored this job so much.

Cannot *wait* for Friday!

Cory Martin Mar 17, 2009, 12:30:00 PM  

My brain is a spoiler-free zone when it comes to this show. I squealed and hid under the blanket (yes, literally -- shut it) anytime they showed anything that was clearly from the finale.

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