
In the Motherhood

Wow. Don't bother.

It makes me so sad to see such talent (genius Megan Mullally, brilliant Cheryl Hines, entertaining Horatio Sanz) wasted on this really unfunny show. This cast of actors deserves far better than the material this show offers them and the audience deserves a show that actually delivers on its promise of "a comedy".

The only funny moments in "It Takes a Village Idiot" came from the children. Shattering the dreams of a child in one fell swoop -- such as with telling them that Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, etc. are all fabrications -- is embarrassingly hilarious and the fact that the children passed on the knowledge and created a mass riot was a kick.

The only kick. Damn.


2 crushes:

Anonymous,  Mar 27, 2009, 5:53:00 PM  

I forgot to watch this! What a shame I didn't miss much. The previews looked cute and with that cast, it should've been so good.


Cory Martin Mar 28, 2009, 12:54:00 AM  

I know. That's exactly what I had been thinking. I was SO disappointed.

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