Big Love: "Sacrament"
"Is it wrong to wish your parents dead?" -- Alby GrantIn a hilarious exchange, Nicki and Alby tossed around ideas about ways of killing Roman and Adaleen. Nicki was kidding. Alby was not. And seeing as his letter bomb plan to kill Adaleen failed miserably, Alby will have to be extremely grateful to Joey for getting the job done. Oh, what a tangled web...
"Not ours." -- Nicki Grant
Joey Henrickson has always been one of my favorite characters. His simplicity, sincerity, big heart, and gentle soul have always been nice counterpoints to the many vipers slithering in the mix. But now he's damaged. The moment Roman took Kathy from him and Wanda, Joey's descent began. I worry that Joey -- despite believing in the need for retribution -- will never recover from committing murder. When he took Roman's life, he killed a piece of himself too.
The juxtaposition between Roman's murder and Bill's "claiming the keys" and declaring a new church born of "necessity" was unsettling. Bill has fought against Roman and all that he stands for his whole life, but the moment that Bill pulled the proverbial rug out from under his brother-in-law regarding the casino -- a move that I didn't think Bill was smart enough to achieve, honestly -- Bill became Roman. Roman gave Bill the Kiss of Death, and sealed his fate. Bill believes that his church and his motives are pure, but Bill has now done what Roman always had -- declared himself the God-chosen prophet. Bill didn't sell his soul to the devil. He took over for him. And those whom he loves stand to perish.
- Before Nicki ever said it out loud, I knew that Cara Lynn was her daughter. It helps to explain Nicki's petulance and childishness throughout the years.H er childhood has never had the chance to heal. Against her will, she was sealed to an older man and forced to bear him a child. To truly escape, she had to sacrifice her own flesh and blood. But now, she has the ability and the desire to claim Cara Lynn, and maybe... just maybe, Nicki can finally begin to heal those decades-old wounds.
- Cara Lynn furthers the monstrosity that is traditional polygamist compounds. She's still playing with frogs in the yard, but yet it's apparently time for her to be sealed? Horrifying.
- So the all-important, way-of-life changing letter is a fake? And it's not even remotely the first con that the Grants have run in an effort to gain wealth? I've never trusted the majority of the Grants, but I didn't see that one coming.
- I enjoy seeing Margie coming into her own, taking a stand, and claiming a life... even if she was a total dork while doing it. I suppose that's just one more endearing quality of hers.
- I'm worried for Barb. Her "rent-a-womb" plan for a new baby seemed riddled with desperation. Barb is very close to the edge after all of the unfortunate events that have befallen her -- Mother of the Year in the tank, being denied by her mother and sister, Sarah's pregnancy and miscarriage, excommunication -- and I worry that her grasp on her sanity is slipping.
- Bill's blithe acceptance of Sarah's engagement pissed me off. Do I think that Scott and Sarah genuinely love each other? Yes. Do I think that they could do well as a married couple? Yes. But Sarah is only 18 years old and she is Bill's first-born daughter. I would expect more outrage and protectiveness from him. Not to mention his obliviousness of Barb's legitimate concerns and worry over Sarah's decision. It was clear that Bill's mind was elsewhere, but that's no excuse. The immediate family comes first. Piss off, Bill.
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