Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles might be getting it's groove back. Just ask Stella. If "Ourselves Alone" was any indication, the show might finally be on the right track.
Now, if only the writers could figure out Sarah...
I love Lena Headey. I think that she's wonderfully talented and sexy as all get out, but Sarah is flat. This is not the Sarah of "Terminator 2". This Sarah has the same purpose -- to protect her son -- but that seems to be all she has. Sarah has no dimension, no imagined life of her own. She seems about as hollow inside as Cameron actually is. And that? Is sad. Sarah Connor is an iconic character, and has been since about 1991. Unfortunately for Headey, Linda Hamilton made Sarah Connor so indelible that unless the writers step it up and flesh her out, Sarah is the weak link of the show. And here I thought that the weak link would be John...
- Is Jesse a villain? I've been wondering for a while now whether or not she was playing some angle and it now seems as though she is. I've also found it really intriguing that Derek's never introduced her to the family. Seems now that she's wanted it that way all along.
- Even before we learned that Riley was brought back from the future, I knew that she wasn't long for this world. John has more pressing things to do -- like save the world from the apocalypse -- than find true love. But I never imagined that Riley would die at the hands of Jesse. Cameron, maybe. But not Jesse. Jesse appeared to be her protector. Like a big sister, or maybe even a lover. Riley did love Jesse, as we now know.
- The Jesse/Riley showdown was pretty kick-ass. Although, Riley's moves seemed to be limited to strangulation. Didn't anyone ever teach her that you have to keep your opponent guessing if you want to win? Oy.
- So Cameron's breaking down? Is she truly beyond repair? The moment when she gave John the detonator and gently told him that he would, without a doubt, have to use it one day was unexpectedly sweet. Cameron may not be able to feel, in the emotional sense of the word, but I think that she knows on an intellectual level what those feelings would feel like and those would-be feelings are present in her harddrive. Particularly when it pertains to John.
- Judging by John's reaction in that moment, I'm not so sure that he would unilaterally side with Riley should anything have happened to her at Cameron's hands. I think Jesse's plan for Riley was doomed from the start. Because in spite of himself, John cares about Cameron. Deeply.
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