
American Idol: Top 7 Results Show

So the historical, game-changing, dream-affirming (yeah, that was meant as sarcasm) Judges' Save was finally utilized. On Matt Giraud. Seriously?

Don't get me wrong -- I like Matt. Despite his recent trend of wickedly overdoing his songs, the man's got doubtless talent. But Simon's right. Matt is not going to win. And I just fear that this save will galvanize fans to such a degree that next week, Adam or Danny or Allison could inadvertently be sent home, with no more save in play. Now that would be game-changing. And not in a good way.


  • Simon's favorite description is probably "indulgent" and that's exactly the word I'd apply to Miley Cyrus' performance. She may be one of the biggest stars in the world right now (Why, exactly?), but she's still a 16-year-old girl. Smoke? A dress more befitting a 30-year-old woman? Seductive glances into the camera? Really? This is the girl who is supposed to inspire our children? Please.
  • Jennifer Hudson is L-O-V-E. To see her stand on that stage and realize how far she's come -- in personality, in style, in accomplishments -- was just wonderful. She's come into her own beautifully, and she's done so with class and grace while facing the greatest tragedy of her life. And she rightfully holds her head up high. Tours and Oscars and Grammys, oh my!

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